Prospects – 5 ways to make your business attractive to them.

One perception of lead generation is that of a company actively going out to ‘hunt’ for prospects. What used to come to mind when you’d think of lead generation might have been a team of telemarketers cold-calling for leads or sales reps going door-to-door for leads.

In this internet-rich world that we live in today new opportunities are abound all over the web. In this day and age you could utilize search engine and social media ads as well as countless other resources. However one somewhat mis-utilized method of lead generation that companies could greatly benefit from is attraction marketing. Attraction marketing is essentially a strategy that attracts clients and customers to you that already want to buy what you have to offer.

A key ingredient to this is establishing a strong brand. A company’s brand represents their market identity. It includes who they are, what they do, why they do it, what kind of quality they provide, their reputation for trustworthiness, and much more. If you can effectively display your worth and quality through establishing a brand you’ve completed a significant part of what will need to be accomplished to achieve attraction marketing. Some of the other additional factors that will be needed are listed below.

Additional Attraction Marketing factors needed:
  • Identify your target market.
    • Who are they? Where are they? What do they look like?
      • The target market is the whole group of consumers that a business organization intends to sell its product or service. A company’s target market could be specific geographic location, demographic groups like age and sex, personality types, income level or other characteristics like hobbies or interests.
      • It could even consist of a special need (e.g. diet food). The target market also indicates whom you as an entrepreneur are aiming at selling your offering to and what factors will engage them in your offer. It is very important to identify the target-market correctly since it helps determine your positioning.
  • Research to determine their pain-points.
    • What challenges are they facing? What keeps them from sleeping at night?
      • As a customer, pain-points are the moments when we feel pain or frustration in relation to your product or service. If you can address pain-points effectively, then it will have a positive impact on your business. Researching pain-points is an ideal way for software companies and those within the technology field to gather information about current problems that customers experience.
  • Determine solution(s) to their challenges.
    • Ensure your solution is logical and an effective solution to their challenges.
      • Understanding what people think about your organization’s business-culture, leadership, products and/or services will give you insight into how you can determine solutions to their challenges.
  • Clearly market the solution you have to their problems.
    • Spread the word. No one can benefit from your solution if they don’t know you have it.
      • Use the resources available to you to get the word out. There’s social media, word of mouth marketing, and so many options.
      • It helps to get creative, reflect on options that worked successfully in the past, and mirror success. If you can identify techniques that have worked successfully for others consider whether it may make sense as well for your business model.
  • Position yourself where they can find you.
    • Now that you know where they are. Put yourself in front of them. Build a relationship with your prospects. Position yourself as an expert in your field. Provide consistently exceptional customer experience and in return receive loyal customers with repeat business.

In summary, in order to attract your ideal clients you’ll need to clearly express your company’s identity via your brand, identify your ideal clients, learn about them, know how to get your message in front of them, build a relationship with them so that if will effectively attract them to you enabling you to bring them on as new and repeat customers.

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