Customer Service as a Marketing Strategy

Often when we think of customer service, marketing isn’t the first thing that comes to mind.  Also typically when we think of marketing, customer service isn’t the first thing that comes to mind.  Generally, marketing brings to mind some aspect of the four P’s (price, promotion, product, and/or place).  While customer service might bring to mind the activities and/or advice a company provides to customers and potential customers before, during, and after the purchase process.

So what is a Marketing strategy?  According to Wikipedia, a marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach and an overall game plan of any organization or any business with the fundamental goal of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by understanding the needs and wants of customers.

Customer service can play a vital part in marketing.  How?  One may ask…. 

Great customer service can encourage customers to engage in word-of-mouth marketing.

The quality of customer service is one of those things that can go either way so receiving great customer service can have a remarkable impact when done well, and put a marketing machine into action on your behalf via your customers.

What does great customer service look like?

  • Timely
  • Accurate
  • Delivers on promises (or under-promise and over-deliver)

When customers experience great customer service it stands out.  It can be that one factor that makes a customer decide to spend money with your company that day instead of your competitor.  This has the potential to create a long-term buying relationship.  The more outstanding the service the more likely word-of-mouth marketing will happen that in turn helps to drive business your way.

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